(Jurgen Lehl)(ヨーガン・レール)(Made in Japan) £220.00
(Keanu Reeves)(キアヌ ・リーブス)(Ode to Happiness) £550.00 / Sold Out
(Camilla Nickerson)(FASHION: Photography of the Nineties) £90.00 / Sold Out
(Jim Goldberg)(ジム・ゴールドバーグ)(Raised by Wolves) £180.00
(Steven Kasher)(Mark Michaelson)(Least Wanted) £130.00 / Sold Out
(Luigi Ontani) (ルイジ・オンターニ)(ALNUS AUREA) £90.00
(Fiorucci)(フィオルッチ)(Fiorucci the book) £120.00
(Patrick Magaud) (Exhibition in Paris) (Hardcover) £220.00
(Juergen Teller)(ユルゲン・テラー)(Taschen 1996) £85.00 / Sold Out
(Wolfgang Tillmans)(ウォルフガング・ティルマンス)(Freischwimmer) £120.00
(Hermann Jünger)(ヘルマン・ユンガー)(Herbei,herbei,was Löffel sei..) £65.00
(Leigh Bowery) (リー・バウリー) £160.00 / Sold Out
(Vieceli & Cremers)(ヴェセリ&クレマーズ)(Division of Pleasures) £25.00
(David Hockney)(デビッド・ホックニー)(Picasso) £450.00 / Sold Out
(Busy Living)(ココ・カピタン)(Coco Capitan) £45.00
(Coco Capitan) (ココ・カピタン) (Middel Point Between My House and China) £200.00
(Wolfgang Tillmans) (ヴォルフガング・ティルマンス) (Your Body is Yours) £70.00
(WOLFGANG TILLMANS) (ウォルグギャング・ティルマンス) (CONCORDE) £20.00
(Karel Martens) (カレル・マルテンス) (Motion) £60.00
(Vincent Fecteau) (ヴィンセント・ファクトー) (The good, the bad, and the ugly.) £250.00